Raspberry Pi 2 B Cluster ====================================== Parts ------------------ +------------------------+--------------------------------------+-----------------+----------------+-----------------+-------+------------+-----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Item | Description | Dimensions (mm) | Unit Power (W) | Unit Price (¥) | Units | Price (¥) | Power (W) | Link | +========================+======================================+=================+=======+========+=================+=======+============+===========+====================================================================+ | Raspberry Pi 2 Model B | 单板机 Single Board Computer | 85 x 56 x 17 | 3.0 | MyCase | 258.00 | 10 | 2,580.00 | 36.0 | http://cn.element14.com/raspberry-pi-accessories?ICID=ap-rpi-2-hwb | +------------------------+--------------------------------------+-----------------+-------+--------+-----------------+-------+------------+-----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | NETGEAR GS308 | 8 口千兆交换机 1Gbps Network Switch | 158 x 102 x 26 | 3.8 | Max | 299.00 | 2 | 598.00 | 7.6 | http://item.jd.com/672092.html | +------------------------+--------------------------------------+-----------------+-------+--------+-----------------+-------+------------+-----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ORICO DCP-4S-BK | 4 口 USB 充电器 5V2.4Ax4 USB-charger | 96 x 57 x 21 | | | 79.00 | 3 | 237.00 | | http://item.jd.com/1208500.html | +------------------------+--------------------------------------+-----------------+-------+--------+-----------------+-------+------------+-----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | SAMZHE SZ-601BE | CAT.6E 网线 Network Cable | 1000 | | | 7.90 | 12 | 98.80 | | http://item.jd.com/636308.html | +------------------------+--------------------------------------+-----------------+-------+--------+-----------------+-------+------------+-----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | SAMZHE BL-SZ03 | AM/Micro USB 数据线 USB-cable | 300 | | | 5.9 | 12 | 70.80 | | http://item.jd.com/922605.html | +------------------------+--------------------------------------+-----------------+-------+--------+-----------------+-------+------------+-----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | SanDisk 16G Class 10 | Micro SD Card | | | | 42.90 | 10 | 429.00 | | http://item.jd.com/679772.html | +------------------------+--------------------------------------+-----------------+-------+--------+-----------------+-------+------------+-----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | +------------------------+--------------------------------------+-----------------+-------+--------+-----------------+-------+------------+-----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | e代家园 GRS11-35 | 配线箱 Case | 350 x 300 x 120 | | | 142.00 | 1 | 142.00 | | http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=40266420582 | +------------------------+--------------------------------------+-----------------+-------+--------+-----------------+-------+------------+-----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | e代家园 GDC-P01 | 电源模块插座 Power Supply | 165 x 49 x 36 | 40.0 | Output | 99.00 | 1 | 99.00 | 40.0 | http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=42224837564 | +------------------------+--------------------------------------+-----------------+-------+--------+-----------------+-------+------------+-----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | MIG SL-303CB | 电源转换插座 Power Outlet | 54 x 40 x 33 | | | 19.90 | 1 | 19.90 | | http://item.jd.com/899125.html | +------------------------+--------------------------------------+-----------------+-------+--------+-----------------+-------+------------+-----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 单通铜螺柱 M2.5*20+6 | | | | | 0.36 | 36 | 12.96 | | http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=26930900577 | +------------------------+--------------------------------------+-----------------+-------+--------+-----------------+-------+------------+-----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 单通铜螺柱 M2.5*5+5 | | | | | 0.18 | 12 | 2.16 | | http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=26930900577 | +------------------------+--------------------------------------+-----------------+-------+--------+-----------------+-------+------------+-----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 双通铜螺柱 M2.5*20 | | | | | 0.28 | 12 | 3.36 | | http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=19636777951 | +------------------------+--------------------------------------+-----------------+-------+--------+-----------------+-------+------------+-----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | GT-140M | 尼龙扎带(x1000) | 140 x 2.5 | | | 30.00 | 1 | 30.00 | | http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=36844630222 | +------------------------+--------------------------------------+-----------------+-------+--------+-----------------+-------+------------+-----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | | 4,914.48 | | | +------------------------+--------------------------------------+-----------------+-------+--------+-----------------+-------+------------+-----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ **Q**: Why 2 x 8-port 1Gbits network switches? **A**: 12 Pis use 12 ports. 2 switches will be connected together, thus use one port for each. We'll leave 2 ports for external working network. 12 + 1x2 + 2 = 16 **Q**: Why choose this 4 port USB power charger? **A**: The dimentions are perfect for 4 Pis, and the power input connector is standand 5V2.4A 5.5*2.5mm, which is just suitable for GDC-P01 power supply. **Q**: How to connect 4 Pis together? **A**: At the bottom, use 4 x M2.5*5 + 5 bolts; And 4 x M2.5*20 + 5 between two Pis; At the top, use 4 x M2.5*20. The total heigh is 90mm, when it stands on network switch (26mm heigt), it's 116mm height, just suitable for the case's height(120mm). **Q**: Is the width of this case enough for 3 groups Pis? **A**: Almost. Where you have to lower about 20mm the USB charger for the right group. Furtnately, when 2 network switches are placed one by one at the bottom, there is enough space left on the right side for the lowered USB charger. **Q**: Is there still space for USB hard driver? **A**: On the top-left side of the case, there is still space for about 4+ USB hard drivers, but you should choose the one that is about 110mm length, and put it vertically, Another choose is use 1.8" hard driver, just like me. Installation - Hardware ----------------------- Parts: .. image:: images/install_01.jpg :alt: installations Bundled 4 x Raspberry Pis and 1 x USB Charger together as one group: height 90mm .. image:: images/install_02.jpg :alt: installations The layout: 3 x groups stand on 2 x 8-port network switches .. image:: images/install_03.jpg :alt: installations The case with PSU installed .. image:: images/install_04.jpg :alt: installations Finished: .. image:: images/install_05.jpg :alt: installations Lighting: .. image:: images/install_06.jpg :alt: installations Lighting: .. image:: images/install_07.jpg :alt: installations Installation - Software ------------------------ 1. check SD card device name: .. code-block:: shell $ df ­h /dev/mmcblk0p1 7.5G 2.8G 4.8G 37% /run/media/dcaoyuan/.... 2. umount SD card .. code-block:: shell $ umount /dev/mmcblk0p1 3. dd image .. code-block:: shell $ sudo dd bs=4M if=~/2015-01-31-raspbian.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 $ sudo sync 4. resizing partitions .. code-block:: shell $ ssh pi@ password: raspberry $ sudo raspi-config selecting menu item: EXPAND­ ROOTFS ­ Expand Root Partition to Fill SD Card reboot 5. ssh login no password .. code-block:: shell $ ssh pi@pi01 mkdir -p .ssh pi@pi01's password: $ cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh pi@pi01 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys' pi@pi01's password: $ ssh pi@pi01 6. Extending the life of the SD card .. code-block:: shell $ vi /etc/fstab tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime,nosuid,size=100m 0 0 tmpfs /var/tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime,nosuid,size=30m 0 0 tmpfs /var/log tmpfs defaults,noatime,nosuid,mode=0755,size=100m 0 0 tmpfs /var/run tmpfs defaults,noatime,nosuid,mode=0755,size=2m 0 0 tmpfs /var/spool/mqueue tmpfs defaults,noatime,nosuid,mode=0700,gid=12,size=30m 0 0 7. Attach external USB hard drive .. code-block:: shell # All that max_usb_current=1 does is to set GPIO38 input high, which in turn turns on a # FET, which connects a second 39K resistor in parallel to an existing one, on pin 5 of # U13, the AP2553W6 USB power manager, lifting the current limit from 0.6A to double # that (1.2A) $ sudo vi /boot/config.txt # Added line: max_usb_current=1 $ sudo reboot # Verify gpio38 value (should be set to high, ie. 1) $ ls /sys/class/gpio export gpiochip0 unexport $ echo 38 > /sys/class/gpio/export $ cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio38/value 1 8. Mount external hard drive .. code-block:: shell $ sudo blkid /dev/mmcblk0p1: SEC_TYPE="msdos" LABEL="boot" UUID="CB99-4C7E" TYPE="vfat" /dev/mmcblk0p2: UUID="1263ae8d-aaf3-41b6-9ac0-03e7fecb5d6a" TYPE="ext4" /dev/sda5: LABEL="NEWSMY" UUID="9A60889860887CAF" TYPE="ntfs" $ sudo mkfs.vfat -n 'usbdisk' -I /dev/sda5 $ sudo blkid /dev/mmcblk0p1: SEC_TYPE="msdos" LABEL="boot" UUID="CB99-4C7E" TYPE="vfat" /dev/mmcblk0p2: UUID="1263ae8d-aaf3-41b6-9ac0-03e7fecb5d6a" TYPE="ext4" /dev/sda5: LABEL="usbdisk" UUID="61A7-F4D8" TYPE="vfat" $ sudo mkdir /media/usbhdd $ sudo mount -t vfat -o uid=pi,gid=pi /dev/sdb5 /media/usbhdd $ sudo vi /etc/fstab # add UUID="61A7-F4D8" /media/usbhdd vfat defaults,uid=pi,gid=pi 0 0 $ sudo reboot $ df -h 9. Change hostname .. code-block:: shell $ sudo hostname pi01 $ sudo vi /etc/hostname # change to pi01 $ sudo vi /etc/hosts # add line pi01 $ sudo /etc/init.d/hostname.sh start $ exit $ ssh pi@pi01 $ echo $HOSTNAME pi01